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Justiceworks Annual Meeting
Thursday, April 27, 2017 @ 5:00pm
Pinery Room of the Portage County Library
The evening will feature Justiceworks staff providing program updates
and program participants sharing their experiences with the
Deferred Prosecution Program & Family Law Information Center.
A brief business meeting will take place for the election of members
of the Board of Directors.
For more information contact the Justiceworks office at 715-344-3677.
Justiceworks held its annual meeting on April 28, 2016.
In addition to a business meeting to fill vacancies and rotating offices and positions, the roughly seventy people in attendance listened as the Justiceworks program staff provided a “state of the organization” program that summarized a year that brought many changes to the organization. The evening was shepherded by David Knaapen, President of the Board of Directors. The presentations also served as an introduction of new staff members – Mike Champion, VIP Program Coordinator; Rick Allen, Deferred Prosecution Compliance Monitor; Kaitie Dreger, Legal Assistant for the Family Law Information Center; and Amy Maggio, Development Director speaking to the importance of sustaining the organization.
The meeting was held in the Central Wisconsin Center for Non-Profits.